"Once defined by my past, but Jesus made all things new! He set me free, He rescued me from death and delivered me from a life of shackles that kept me in bondage almost my whole life"
I share my 2 part video testimony from the original "Don't Give Up" is a message of Faith, Hope, Strength, Healing, Love, Grace, Mercy, Forgiveness, Redemption and the Peace that surpasses all understanding. Jesus loves you! Please believe in that. You can truly have a real personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ~The Son of the living God. How can I not believe!
Believe in the words of Jesus.
I never wanted to tell my story, until Jesus saved me in May of 1992. Jesus took my traumatic life experience, and gave me a testimony of His love for me.
My hope for all those that are truly seeking answers in your own life, is that you find out Who Jesus really is. He holds the true key to the secret pain of your heart.
Jesus is the answer to everything that you could hope for. Trusting Him is the key for Jesus to work in your life. All I know, I could not trust myself. I have made a mess out of my life. Once I let Jesus into my heart and live in it, I was never the same again.
I will give you a little insight to my past and then show as I depict in how Jesus rescued me in these 2 part videos. This video has been edited tremendously from the original video that I made "Don't Give Up" in July "2008" I have been on a journey and so much has changed since then. Jesus has given me a new life like I never knew before.
May this video blesses you, as much as Jesus blessed me in making it, through the journey that
He has been taking me on.
God bless you in the love, comfort and peace, in Jesus' name,
Love in Christ, Nilda
Treasure in jars of clay ~ My testimony ~ Don't Give Up! Part 1
Scroll down to read the poem from this video. Length of time 09:06
† Journey of the Heart ♥ Don't Give Up \0/ part 2
Length of time 03:01
This poem was written for me, by a very special friend and sister in Christ, who was very dear to me.
I knew that Jesus wanted me to use this poem for this video. Her poem spoke to my heart,
as I remembered all the pain that I endured, and how Jesus rescued me from a life of shackles.
There is true Hope and Peace, when Jesus lives in your heart. His Strength is Perfect!
Poem written by former youtuber Aleisa~AKA~Heartofapoet
You are not alone, for God is there with you
Forever by your side, constant as the tide
His arms unfold in Grace, all fears will be erased
His mercy knows no end, to all your needs He will tend
Each tear you shed at night, is never from His sight
He hears you when you cry, understands your questions "why"
He knows the pain you hide, all the sorrow deep inside
And when you feel alone, He's calling you to come back home
For His blessed child you are, more precious than a million stars
Perfect in His sight, He longs to hold you tight
Bring you comfort from the pain, through the power of His name
And lift you from above, empowered by His love
A new tomorrow will unfold, precious blessings to behold
His light will pierce the dark, upon a better life you'll embark
So much joy will fill your heart, from His love you'll never part
Every dawn of each new day, Christ the Savior will guide your way